We’re now six months into 2019, and the chances are that you’re reflecting on the year so far and deciding whether your marketing spend has delivered a return on your investment.

As a small business owner, it’s essential that you can account for every penny you spend, and marketing is often one of the first areas where businesses cut when things aren’t going so well.

However, investing in marketing should always be a priority, whether you’re only just starting out or you’ve been operating for decades.

Below, we’ve rounded up just some of the reasons why you should up your SEO spend this year to take your business to new heights…


Competitors are ranking ahead of you

Head to Google or Bing and type in keywords related to your business.

If you’re not showing up on the first page, then the chances are that you’re doing something wrong.

Research shows that 33% of consumers only ever click the first search result on Google, whilst the majority never make it past the first page.

If your business is nowhere to be seen when you search for local keywords related to your firm, then SEO should be considered a priority.


You’ll have to do it eventually

Whilst social media trends might dictate which platforms you focus on, and digital marketing encouraging you to switch between AdWords, Facebook Ads and more, SEO is a little more predictable.

The sooner you get started on ranking for your chosen keywords, the sooner you’ll see organic traffic flood your website, and qualified leads enquire about your services.


Organic social reach is declining

As we’ve just touched upon, social media is one of the most effective marketing channels for small businesses, but organic reach is declining year on year.

Facebook regularly tweaks its algorithms in favour of showing posts from friends and family on newsfeeds rather than businesses, and so businesses then have to pay for ads to enjoy any ROI.

Plug that gap and reduce your reliance on social networking sites which are becoming increasingly expensive and challenging to master – if you’re ranking at number one, generating an ROI from social becomes less of a big deal, as you’ll find your clients via search engines rather than Twitter.


It’s not as expensive as you might think

It’s easy to assume that you have to spend tens of thousands of pounds to rank well on search engines, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Work with a local firm, such as a Bristol SEO Company, for example, and you’ll find affordable SEO packages that don’t break the bank but help you start ranking for those high-traffic keywords you’ve got your sights on.


The long-term benefits are immense

There’s no denying that SEO is a long-term marketing technique and won’t change the fortunes of your business overnight, but when you start to rank highly for competitive search terms, you can expect to receive thousands of visitors to your website every month, many of whom will be interested in getting in touch or purchasing from you there and then.

No other form of digital marketing is more effective – start today and reap the rewards in the months that follow – just work with a firm that provides white hat SEO services to avoid penalties.

SEO may not be the most glamorous marketing tool in your arsenal, but it’s certainly the one that helps you deliver a return on your investment and future-proof your brand. Good luck!