If you’ve followed any digital marketing blog, you’ll already understand the importance of social media. Although it’s not essential to do so, we recommend tweeting at least once a day, and also engaging with your followers whenever they reach out to you.
But coming up with unique social media posts can be challenging. If you’re struggling for ideas of what to tweet, follow these ten Twitter post ideas.
What you’re having for breakfast
“Why would I want to sign up to Instagram? I don’t care what people are having for their breakfast”. It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard more than once in your life, and while it’s true that trivial social media posts aren’t to everyone’s taste, that doesn’t mean you should shy away from giving your social media accounts some personality. There are definitely differences between personal and business social media accounts, but there’s nothing stopping you from taking a picture of your delicious morning oats in the office canteen.
Not only do pictures of food and pets give your followers something pretty to look at, but they show that there are real people behind your social accounts. Not every post has to be promotional or professional – especially when it comes to small businesses.
Your opinions on industry news
If you run a hair salon and Kate Middleton’s locks make the news, then you should use it as an opportunity to share your industry knowledge and get in on the action. Make sure you’ve subscribed to news alerts for key phrases in your industry, and always be on the lookout for something topical that you can use to your advantage. In many cases, the news doesn’t have to relate to your industry in order for you to mention it and share your thoughts, but consider your audience and decide whether or not something is appropriate before posting.
Local events and activities
If you’re sponsoring a local fun run or a charity is asking for donations in your physical store, then get involved in the action and post about it on your social networking channels. You could even go so far as to launch a crowdfunding campaign for a cause you care about – but remember that the energy you put into this could be better used growing your brand.
Whenever a charity, fundraising group or local business mentions you on social media, be sure to retweet them. This not only spreads the word about your good deed, but it also builds relationships with local companies and keeps your business in the public eye.
Polls and interactive content
Work in a bakery and can’t decide what cake to bake next? Ask your followers for their opinions. Twitter polls and Facebook Live makes it easier than ever to interact with your followers, and many businesses purposefully tweet questions and challenges to keep their audiences engaged. If a follower does suggest a cake, for example, take the time to respond to them – building rapport is one of the best ways of turning followers into customers.
Competitions and challenges
Running a competition on Twitter is one of the best ways of boosting your brand on social media. Not only can you ask your followers for a retweet and a follow in exchange for an entry into your competition or giveaway, but you can also ask them to visit your website and sign up to your mailing list in the process. It’s a win-win, but you need to ensure that you are giving away something of value if you want to attract people’s attentions.
Details of an upcoming promotion
If you’re planning a promotion, sale or discount code for your customers, then tweet about it in advance to build up hype. Not only will this perk the interest of your customers ahead of your promotion, but it will also show that you’re working hard behind the scenes.
Updates on new product developments
If you’re still working on a new product or service that customers have been requesting for a long time, then take the time out of your day to update them on any developments. Teasing and posting incremental updates is one of the best ways to engage your audience – consider posting a weekly update with a particular hashtag, and complement big updates and developments with a new blog post or YouTube video.
Pictures of team building days and staff training
Keeping your followers up-to-date on your team is a great way of improving the relationship between customers and staff members. If you’re on an away day with your staff or you have a trainer at your office, take a picture and post about it on social media. Showing you’re investing in your team and improving your products/services speaks volumes.
What you’re watching on TV
If you’re really running low on ideas, then consider posting about your favourite TV show or movie. If you’re shocked by the new Game of Thrones teaser, for example, you could share it with your followers and ask for their thoughts. Off-the-cuff posts can spark the interest of potential customers and encourage discussion and debate – and it can be fun, too!
A Twitter hour hashtag
Many professionals gather together online once a week and communicate through a Twitter Hour. If you’ve never heard of a Twitter hour, the process is simple: post relevant content related to a particular industry or subject manner and include a specific hashtag in your tweets. Clear space in your diary and commit to a Twitter Hour – it can be a great way to make new industry contacts, shout about your products and services and score some new Twitter followers in the process. You can’t say fairer than that!
Bonus content: Full list of UK Twitter Hours in 2017
While you may want to use Twitter to promote your products and services at all times, mixing up your social media messages is the best way to keep your followers happy. These ten tweet ideas should help you if you’re struggling, but we want to hear from you. What do you like to tweet about, and what results have you seen from the content you post? Let us know in the comments below.